You can find slides of my recent keynotes and lectures here. A more extensive list is in my CV — please reach out if there are talks you’d like to get the slides for.
I just started a youtube channel where I’m curating my talks. Some selected talks below:
- 2022 › Short talk “Developing a personalized early warning system for depression”, Technology in Psychiatry Summit 2022 (10 minutes, Youtube).
- 2022 › Short talk “Studying systems, not syndromes”, NIMH / RDoC Roundtable on Precision Diagnostics (10 minutes, Youtube).
- 2022 › Talk “WARN-D: developing a personalized early warning system for depression”, Stanford Center for Precision Mental Health and Wellness (45 minutes, Youtube).
- 2021 › Conference keynote “Mental health: studying systems instead of syndromes”, Transdiagnostic Approaches to Mental Health conference (45 minutes, YouTube).
- 2020 › Talk “Measurement matters: challenges to assessing mental health problems pose a substantial barrier to clinical progress”, Future of Mental Health symposium (25 minutes, YouTube).
- 2020 › Talk “Challenges and future directions of the network literature” (four short YouTube videos: part1, part2, part3, part4).
- 2020 › Talk “Lack of theory building and testing impedes progress in the factor and network literature” (45 minutes, YouTube).
- 2020 › Brief video about my ERC Starting Grant to build an early warning system for depression (4 minutes, YouTube)
- 2019 › Talk “Depression is a problematic phenotype: Studying symptoms over syndromes”, NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre / King’s College London (35 minutes, YouTube)
- 2019 › Talk “Theory and measurement crises as obstacles to replicability in Clinical Psychology”, Open science workshop Interacting Minds Centre at Aarhus University (45 minutes, YouTube)
- 2019 › 3-day workshop “Network analysis in between-subjects data”, Virginia Commonwealth University (view)
- 2015 › Talk “Psychiatric symptomics: a new perspective on mental disorders”, Arizona State University (view)
- 2023 › 50 minute interview “Can Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Predict Depression?” on Dan Shipper’s AI podcast “Chain of thought” (see here for a written summary)
- 2023 › 20 minute interview on APS podcast “Under the Cortex” about my paper “Studying mental health problems as systems, not syndromes” published in the APS journal Current Directions in Psychological Science (PDF)
- 2021 › Interview on theory building, being a generalist, and pragmatism on Benjamin Kuper-Smith’s podcast
- 2021 › Short interview on the APS podcast “Under the Cortex” after winning the Janet Taylor Spence award for transformative early career contributions