Brief psychology news 02/2019

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February 2019 news from Clinical Psychology, Quantitative Psychology, Meta Psychology, and Open Science. For prior news, see the rubric Psychology News on this blog.


  1. If you are interested in re-analyzing clinical trial data, check out
  2. Preprint by Raphael Schuster et al.: Effects of intense assessment on statistical power in randomized controlled trials: Informed simulation study on depression.
  3. Clinical within-subjects dataset shared by Aaron Fisher in form of a new preprint: Open Trial of a Personalized Modular Treatment for Mood and Anxiety.
  4. Paper by Ravi Parikh et al. on whether artificial intelligence in clinical sciences ought to be regulated: Regulation of predictive analytics in medicine.
  5. New paper by Joel Thomas & Paul Sharp, discussing new ideas to integrating biopsychosocial complexity in clinical research: Mechanistic science—A new approach to comprehensive psychopathology research that relates psychological and biological phenomena.
  6. Lien Faelens et al. published the first network replication paper that includes both a pre-registration and a formal power analysis; the topic of the paper is the relation of Facebook use and depression. We shared both datasets, and are looking forward to other researchers re-analyzing the data: Negative influences of Facebook use through the lens of network analysis. (I summarized the paper a few days back in a brief blog).
  7. Preprint by Yuri Milaneschi et al. shows that the relationship between depression and vitamin-D / omega-3 fatty acids identified in prior observational studies is likely due to confounding: A role for vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids in major depression? An exploration using genomics.
  8. Registered report by Andrew Przybylski & Netta Weinstein on 1000 British teenagers aged between 14 and 15 and their carers finds no evidence that playing violent video games leads to aggressive behaviour: Violent video game engagement is not associated with adolescents’ aggressive behaviour: evidence from a registered report.
  9. Paper showing that trauma types (loss of child/partner vs other loss) predicts qualitative differences in symptom profiles, which relates with prior work showing that specific life events lead to different symptom profiles in depression: Symptomatology following loss and trauma—Latent class and network analyses of prolonged grief disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and depression in a treatment‐seeking trauma‐exposed sample.


  1. Preprint by Robert Wilson & Anne Collins: Ten simple rules for the computational modeling of behavioral data.
  2. Editorial by Douglas Samuel, incoming editor in chief at Assessment, who puts the journal on a new path towards more rigorous and open science. The journal adopts the registered reports format, and will focus on improving the quality of non-questionnaire measures over the next years. I put together a brief summary of the editorial.
  3. Paper by Marcus Crede & Peter Harms discussing questionable research practices in the context of fitting CFA models: Questionable research practices when using confirmatory factor analysis.


  1. Mark Alfano with a list of Questionable Publication Practices; including points that have been discussed quite heatedly online such as “publication in economically predatory but academically respectable journals”.
  2. Preprint by Tal Yarkoni et al.: Enhancing and accelerating social science via automation: Challenges and opportunities.
  3. Preprint by Uli Schimmack: The validation crisis in psychology.
  4. Paper by Michael Muthukrishna & Joseph Henrich, arguing that the replication crisis is a theory crisis: A problem in theory.
  5. An interesting observation that results in WEIRD samples might generalize better to non-WEIRD samples than previously expected, at least for a subset of findings
  6. Got a grant deadline coming up? Here’s a tutorial on how to manipulate Google Scholar ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ …

Open science

  1. SIPS is one of the first conferences I know of that offers both a Diversity Travel Fund and also $300 for free childcare (until funds run out). If you want to support SIPS and these initiatives, you can donate here. If you want to learn more about SIPS, I wrote a brief intro blog post about the conference last year.
  2. Utrecht University published a brief Open Science Program; would be great to see more Universities do so.
  3. Stage 1 registered report of a large adversarial collaboration on the facial feedback hypothesis, involving 18 labs: The Many Smiles Collaboration: A Multi-Lab Foundational Test of the Facial Feedback Hypothesis.

Favorite paper of the month

  1. Paul Meehl 1990: Why Summaries of Research on Psychological Theories are Often Uninterpretable.

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