November news from Clinical Psychology, Quantitative Psychology, and Open Science.
- New free R ebook “Statistical Thinking for the 21st Century” by Russell Poldrack
- Kevin Kotzé shared all materials for his master/PhD course on time-series analyses online
- New free ebook “Ecological Momentary Assessment in Mental Health Research” by Jeroen Ruwaard, Lisa Kooistra, & Melissa Thong
- Manylabs 2 is online, high-powered replications of 28 psychology studies (N=15,305, 36 countries) (PDF, Atlantic report, Nature report)
- Insightful introduction to S-values (compared to P-values) by Zad
- “8 Easy Steps to Open Science: An Annotated Reading List” by Sophia Crüwell, Johnny van Doorn, Alexander Etz, Matthew Makel, Hannah Moshontz, Jesse Niebaum, Amy Orben, Sam Parsons, & Michael Schulte-Mecklenbeck
- Short blog post by Annette Brown “How to conduct a replication study: What not to do“; related, new paper in AMPPS entitled “Who Should Do Replication Labor?” by Felipe Romero
- BBC podcast with Fiske, Bargh, & Stapel who talk about open science and psychology (via Simine Vazire); I found the discussion on Twitter insightful as well
- Highly interesting and timely blog “Life after GWAS – where to next, for psychiatric genetics?” by Kevin Mitchell
- New paper “Researcher Requests for Inappropriate Analysis and Reporting: A U.S. Survey of Consulting Biostatisticians” by Min Qi Wang et al., showing that a considerable proportion of 522 consulting biostatisticians had for instance been asked to “remove or alter some data records to better support the research hypothesis”
- New preprint by Allen & Mehler showing that preregistered papers much more often than traditional papers find no evidence for their hypotheses, likely due to questionable research practices and file-drawer effects
- Ruben “data visualization superhero” Arslan, with a great post entitled “Are big studies cited more?“
- Interesting open science blog by Nick Wehner: “Paying for Open Access does not increase your paper’s impact, but self-archiving in a repository does“
- New Clinical Psychological Science paper “Mediators and Mechanisms” by Warren Tyron: “Mediation is to mechanism what correlation is to causation”
- And finally, beautiful (and problematic, see values below 0s and 10s) data-visualization “how good is good” by YouGov:
I also want to use the opportunity to thank you all for the overwhelming support you showed recently. I never expected this to create so much attention. Thank you, it means a ton.
Thanks again to everybody who supported be over the last year. There are many more names that I could tag in one tweet: you know who you are.
— Eiko Fried (@EikoFried) October 23, 2018
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