Category Archives: Mental Health

Are causes of mental disorders in the person or in the environment?

We just published a new paper in JoPACS on the importance of socio-environmental causes of psychopathology (PDF), with the brilliant Merlijn Olthof and Anna Lichtwarck-Aschoff. In this brief blog, I will summarize the paper and add some context. Mental health and socio-environmental risk I’ve been thinking a lot about mental health problems as emerging from… Read more »

Playing the alphabet factor game: the S factor for satisfaction

I also wanted to make a name for myself in the competitive field of alphabet factoring in psychology. G factor. P factor. I factor. D factor. Aaaaall the factors. My recent list is already outdated. So here I’ll introduce the S factor, for satisfaction. Look how satisfied this little student frog is! Seriously though, there… Read more »

Social media bans don’t address youth mental health problems

I co-wrote this piece with the fantastic Margarita Panayiotou, Senior Lecturer at the University of Manchester who’s work focuses on psychometrics, measurement, social media & adolescent mental health who is currently conducting the #So.Me study.  The last weeks have seen an increase of discussions surrounding youth mental health and its relationship with social media. This… Read more »